
Darlene Kaye Araneta

Araneta shines in CAS amidst pandemic

A Bachelor of Arts major in Literature-History leads the graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences at the end of Academic Year 2019-2020.

Elizalde Miguel S. Flore

Flores is UPV’s Class 2020 Valedictorian

“Graduating as valedictorian this year seems to be anticlimactic due to the pandemic, nevertheless it is still a blessing for me to receive this distinction. It is quite sad for me since we were not able to march this year and celebrate with our families and friends. As we will be joining the graduation rites of our friends who are graduating next year, I am hopeful that things will be better by then. 

Edmar D. Bandoja

Bandoja is CM top student

Edmar D. Bandoja graduated as magna cum laude in the five-year BS in Accountancy degree program of the College of Management. With a GWA of 1.332, he has attained the highest mark in his college, and the second highest in UPV.

Mary Gold R. David

Mary Gold is the lone cum laude of CFOS

Mary Gold R. David is the lone graduate of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences with honors, cum laude.

Mayona Paula T. Alcala

Alcala leads UPVTC graduates

Mayona Paula T. Alcala leads the graduates of UP Visayas Tacloban College. The BS Accountancy major shared her thoughts on life after graduation and seeking employment in the midst of the pandemic.  

UP Visayas gears for Antique Extension

The University of the Philippines Visayas is gearing for the implementation of continuing education programs in the province of Antique in line with the UP Extension campus this 2020 in the town of Pandan.


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