
Metro Iloilo COVID-19 Testing center opens with support from PGC - Visayas and Iloilo’s top schools

Metro Iloilo COVID-19 Testing center opens with support from PGC - Visayas and Iloilo’s top schools

The Metro Iloilo Hospital and Medical Center (MIHMC), Inc. has formally opened its COVID-19 Testing Laboratory on September 18, 2020 with vital support from Philippine Genome Center- Visayas headed by Dr. Noel Ferriols and experts from top educational institutions in Iloilo City.

Online opening exercises ushers-in UPV AY 2020-2021

Online opening exercises ushers-in UPV AY 2020-2021

Because of the pandemic, the Opening Exercises of UP Visayas this year was without its usual fanfare of entrance of colors, chants and yells from various academic groups, the palpable excitement of the first-year students and the buzz of starting a new academic year.

UPV meets challenges of COVID-19, ensures safe return of students home

COVID-19 has disrupted the lives of people all over the world. UP Visayas experienced the same fate as the rest of the country is waging a battle of unparalleled proportion against a virus, never before experienced by the modern world. Despite this, UPV never wavered and met the challenges of the pandemic head-on. The UPV community stood up and fended for one another.

UP Visayas holds first-ever Virtual Alumni Homecoming

The University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) held the “2020 UPV Alumni Zoomcoming” virtual homecoming last August 28, 2020.

OSA conducts online orientation for first year students and parents for AY 2020-2021

The Office of Student Affairs held the first-ever remote Orientation in the face of the new normal. Amidst the challenges brought by the pandemic, UPV still holds true to its virtue that “nobody should be left behind.” Despite the growing pains, this activity was conducted to ensure that the newest members of the UPV family, along with their parents, are given the necessary information about the university.


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