“A research institution responsive to the needs of the nation.”

UPV continues to provide sustained communication support assistance to the local government of Iloilo City. Said effort extends to the evaluation of existing information, education, and communication (IEC) materials produced and developed by the Iloilo City Communication Team. As recommended by UPV, there is need to conduct information needs assessment to find out existing level of knowledge and health practices of the residents about COVID health and safety protocols, information sources, and the extent of LGU support. Based on ‘knowledge gaps’ revealed by data results, UPV also recommends communication strategies intended to mobilize the barangay officials, identified health care providers, media institutions, social and religious organizations, and heads and/or representatives of households to take active participation in the implementation of the suggested communication package plan. Specifically, the strategies aim to:

These past two weeks have been filled with news and reports of the catastrophic damage that has been caused by STY Rolly and TY Ulysses. In line with this, and the recent flooding triggered by the typhoons, UP Visayas met with the Office of the City mayor yesterday, November 16, 2020, to discuss a meta-analysis of extreme flooding studies in the Philippines that was conducted to extract lessons that could inform flood preparedness of Iloilo City. Chancellor Clement Camposano led the representation given to the City Government. At the same time, the analysis and presentation were made by Jessica Dator-Bercilla, member of faculty of the CFOS-IFPDS, who worked on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change using transdisciplinary modalities with international and local humanitarian and development organizations, scientific institutions, government institutions for about a decade and a half before rejoining UPV in 2019.