The UP Medical Alumni Society in America's (UP MASA) donation of a new dental chair with complete accessories was recently installed at the UPV Miagao Health Services Unit (HSU). After more than thirty years, the antiquated dental chair used at the HSU clinic has been replaced with a new one. The UP MASA donation includes a dental chair unit, a silent compressor, a sterilizer, a light-cure machine, a scaler, and other supplies. The donation was received in November 2020; however, the unit's setup and installation were only recently completed. The transfer of the old yet partly functional equipment to its new location took a bit of time. The new equipment will strengthen the dental services of the unit and better serve UPV.

The UP Affirmative Action Program for Mindanao Alumni Association, Inc. (UP-AAPM-AAI) turned-over P1M to the UP Visayas Foundation Inc. (UPVFI) for the UP-AAPM Endowment Scholarship Program on December 16, 2020. The check was received by UPV Chancellor Clement C. Camposano, concurrent UPVFI President, and Dr. Joy C. Lizada, Executive Director of the UPVFI.

Prof. Fernando S. Tinagan recently won a Silver Medal Award in Traditional Standard “Anyo” in the 31 years old and above age category. Two (2) of his UPHSI, PE12-STEM Arnis Students Miss Fraulyn Marey Moralidad and Miss Amiguel Pamplona also won a Silver Medal Award in Traditional Standard “Anyo” and Bronze Medal Award in Non-Traditional Creative “Anyo,” respectively. These awards were won at the recently concluded National Arnis Virtual “Anyo” Tournament held last December 12, 2020. The event, which featured participants coming from different parts of the country, was sponsored by the Pro-Active Arnis League of the Philippines as part of its 10th Anniversary.