
UPV-CFOS present papers in 9th world fisheries congress in USA

UPV-CFOS present papers in 9th world fisheries congress in USA

Faculty members, REPS, and graduate student from  UP Visayas College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (UPV-CFOS) participated in the 9th World Fisheries Congress organized by the World Council of Fisheries Society held in the Hyatt Hotel, Seattle, Washington, USA on March 3-7, 2024.

Dr. Cherry P. Añasco, Dr. Mary Grace C. Sedanza, and Ms. Anne Brigette Ledesma joined fisheries professionals from around the world to present their studies related to fisheries science, industry, conservation, and management. 

With the theme, “Fish and Fisheries at the Food-Water-Energy Nexus,” this year’s conference was attended by around 1,800 participants coming from 82 countries.

Añasco and Sedanza are faculty members of the Institute of Aquaculture (IA), while Ledesma is a university research associate of the Institute of Fisheries Policy and Development Studies (IFPDS).

Añasco presented two papers at the conference titled “Using Local Ecological Knowledge in Data-Poor Fisheries: The Visayan Sea, Philippines Experience” and “Management Framework for Sustainable Coastal Tourism and Fisheries Nexus in Small Islands.”

Sedanza shared the results of their study on “Sea Anemones as a Potential Biocontrol Agent for Biofuoling on Cultured Oysters.”

Ledesma presented the findings of their researches through oral presentations titled "Status of Angelwing Clams Pholas Orientalis in Western Visayas, Philippines" and "The Governance of Angelwing Clam Fishery in Western Visayas, Philippines." She also presented a poster on  "Setal development and antennular chemosensitivity of blue swimming crab megalopa."

Moreover, Reyland A. Alegroso, a first year MS in Ocean Sciences graduate student, introduced their study online via Zoom. His paper is titled “Nutrient Uptake of Gracilariopsis heteroclada Zhang et Xia 1991 (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) in Combined Temperature and Salinity Levels.”

Meanwhile, Anasco and Sedanza both served as moderators at the conference for Managing fisheries bycatch of threatened species session.

The World Fisheries Congress is being held every four years. 

Añasco's attendance to the conference was funded by the UP System Office of International Linkages (UP-OIL) Travel Grant, while Sedanza's was supported by the UP System Research Dissemination Grant and UPV Faculty Development Grant.

Ledesma received travel grants from the International Fisheries Section - American Fisheries Society Dr. Bern Megrey Travel Awards, 2024 World Fisheries Congress International Travel Awards, and the UP-OIL Travel Grant for this conference.

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