The University of the Philippines will begin accepting applications for first-year students for Academic Year (AY) 2021-2022 on 7 January 2021, via an online portal especially for admissions applications.
First-year applicants to UP for AY 2021-2022 will not undergo the UP College Admissions Test (UPCAT). This decision follows the unanimous vote by the University Councils (UCs) of all the UP constituent universities not to administer the UPCAT for AY 2021-2022 in light of health and logistical issues brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. [Related: No UPCAT 2021, UP admissions system undergoing modification]
Instead of the UPCAT, the University Councils, the highest academic policymaking body of the constituent universities in the UP System, approved an additional assessment of incoming first-year students by academic units to qualify for a degree program, if deemed necessary. Applicants will be notified of such assessment or other additional requirements after the evaluation of their High School Records.
The online submission of all application forms is likewise meant to minimize exposure to the novel coronavirus. The steps to applying as a first-year student to UP for AY 2021-2022 are as follows:
• Applicants shall accomplish Form 1 (Personal Data Sheet) electronically and upload their photo and electronic signature.
• High schools shall be requested to log on to the Grades Submission link to accomplish Form 2 (High School Records) on behalf of the applicants. An online survey was sent earlier to high schools using their registered email addresses in the records of the UP Office of Admissions (OAdms).
• If a high school has not received the email of the UP OAdms, applicants from that school must inform the Office of the school’s current official email address via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to facilitate communications between the UP OAdms and the high school.
Applicants are encouraged to use secure email accounts preferably with two-step verification to better protect their right to data privacy. However, UP is not requiring all applicants to use accounts with two-step verification, as some applicants may not have full access to devices and/or internet connectivity.
While UP encourages online accomplishment and submission, it is cognizant of technological limitations and will continue to coordinate with concerned high schools for alternative modes of submission.
Details on how to accomplish the forms shall be posted in the online portal. The deadline for submission of applications is Monday, 15 February 2021.
For those interested in applying for admission to the University of the Philippines for AY 2021-2022, the link to the online portal will be available on or before 7 January 2021.
For concerns regarding the online submission of application, and to prevent the spread of misinformation, the University would like to remind the general public to get their information only from the UP Office of Admissions at:
Landline: (02) 8981-8500 local 3827 / 3828 / 3830 / 3831
Cellphone: +63 918 904 9195
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.