Rootedness in the Community. This was the concept of how the University of the Philippines Visayas celebrated the 72nd Anniversary of the UP Presence in Iloilo which ran from February 11-22, 2019.
The celebration ran the gamut from the highly academic events such as lectures, fora, and book launch to the most fun and festive like the zumba party, videoke challenge, and talent shows.
But the heart of the week-long event was the InnoVisyon event that included an exhibit, trade fair, and lecture forum on green innovations. The InnoVisyon showcased technologies generated by UPV researchers and how these research studies have benefited the communities. It also served as a platform for investors and industry partners to present the gaps between technology generation and adoption.
Likewise, InnoVisyon opened opportunities for more academe-industry partnership and provided potential investors a portfolio of technologies ready for adoption. InnoVisyon also hoped to motivate aspiring researchers and innovators to create more impact.
Tasked to lead the opening program this year, the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences kicked off the week-long event with a motorcade on February 18 around the town of Miagao that ended at the UPV covered court. CFOS also held fora on fisheries and stage exhibits on fisheries research. The saluganay and pamunit in its fishpond at the Freshwater Aquaculture Station were a hit because it allowed students, faculty and staff, with a minimal fee, to freely fish and bring home their catch. There was also a community outreach that involved a forum local fishermen.
The College of Arts and Sciences, on the other hand, also had exhibits that particularly featured achievers of the College such as their UP Scientists and other awardees. This year they were the only unit to have conducted a professorial chair lecture series and a book launch. In addition, they had a lecture and forum with local writers and visiting literary artists, a debate contest, and a cookfest.
Tasting newly invented recipes or introducing traditional food with an innovation has always been a hallmark of how the School of Technology celebrates the foundation week. This year they did not disappoint with their ginger, turmeric, and malunggay crackers and chocolate with real cacao bits. The School also had its own exhibit on various food processing technologies, a research forum, and an alumni-related event.
The College of Management had a two-day business leaders’ summit and a play festival.
University-wide events included the research colloquium, Service Awards, the Community Day, that included a pasundayag (talent fest of faculty and staff), and open house of dormitories.
The student activities included an amazing race contest, week-long carnival, org fair, debate tournament, art contest, and a benefit concert.