The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) and the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) Quality Assurance Committee held a three-day in-house training on Asean University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Program Assessment (Tier 1) from 25-27 October 2023 at Hotel del Rio, Molo, Iloilo City.
Around 30 participants from the four colleges in UPV attended the activity. The training aimed to capacitate faculty members in quality assurance and increase the number of QA-trained faculty members and staff who will promote and work for the quality assurance of academic programs.
During the first day of the training, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Philip Ian Padilla discussed quality assurance in higher education and the AUN-QA framework. The afternoon session was allotted to the first three criteria of the AUN-QA framework namely Expected Learning Outcomes, Program Structure and Content, and Teaching and Learning Approach. These were discussed by Dr. Adrienne Marrie Bugayong-Janagap from the Division of Biological Sciences, Dr. Padilla, and Dr. Mae Grace Nillos from the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, respectively.
The rest of the criteria were tackled during the second day of the training. The resource speakers were Dr. Jhoanne Marsh Gatpatan from the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics for Criterion 4 (Student Assesment), Dr. Harold Monteclaro, Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension, for Criterion 5 (Academic Staff), Ms. Roeyna May Tosino from OVCAA for Criterion 6 (Student Support Services), and Asst. Prof. Steve Janagap, chair of the UPV QA Committee, for Criteria 7 and 8 (Facilities and Infrastructure and Outputs and Outcomes).
The participants also had the opportunity to learn about the necessary preparations of the BS Fisheries program during their AUN-QA assessment last year. Asst. Prof. Cherry Añasco, one of the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) writers of BS Fisheries, talked about their experience in writing their SAR and undergoing external assessment. To note, the BS Fisheries program was the first program in UP Visayas to be assessed by AUN-QA.