The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) conducted a two-day user training workshop on the automated academic processes for UP Visayas, funded by the Academic Program Improvement (API). The event occurred from November 5 and 6, 2024, at the MILC Audio-Visual Room at the UP Visayas, Miagao campus. Participants included college secretaries, OCS staff, division/department chairs, institute directors, division/department/institute staff, deans, the University Registrar, and selected OUR personnel.
The workshop aimed to equip participants with technical knowledge on using and navigating the newly developed automated academic processes modules. Additionally, it sought to gather user feedback for necessary changes or future enhancements to the modules and identify and address any bugs or issues before the full deployment of the system modules.
Ms. Rina-Joy Ambatang, Information Systems Analyst for the UP Visayas Computerized Registration and Student Information System (UPV-CRSIS) and Lead Developer for the development of 15 automated academic processes, served as the Resource Person for the event. She began with an overview of the two-day workshop and then presented the modules for different academic processes.
On the first day, the systems covered included applications for overload/underload, waiver of prerequisites, substitution of courses, waiver of Minimum Residency Rule (MRR), leave of absence (LOA), and shifting. The second day included a recap of the previous day's topics, followed by the presentation of additional processes such as completion and removal permits, dropping subjects, change of matriculation, and readmission. An open forum to discuss other academic-related processes was held during the afternoon session.
The two-day orientation concluded with a closing message from the University Registrar, Asst. Prof. Nilo Araneta. He emphasized the importance of the newly developed modules for automating academic processes, which will benefit students, faculty advisers, faculty administrators, academic units (departments/divisions/institutes), the office of the college secretaries, and other offices involved in the academic processes.