It was a fine Saturday morning on October 22, 2022, when 262 UP Visayas students enrolled in the National Service Training Program planted a variety of trees close to the area identified as the proposed camping ground in the Miagao campus.
The event was in response to the request of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Development in developing the Biodiversity Hub of UPV through “greening” initiatives.
“Having the students go out in the field and plant trees makes the NSTP Common Module on Environmental Awareness and Protection more meaningful and relevant,” said NSTP Director, Prof. Nathaniel G. Samson, who led the initiative.
Joining them were their NSTP instructors and the UPV Security Service Force guards. A collective total of 600 narra, pili, and kamagong tree saplings were planted.
The personnel of the Site Development and Reforestation Program prepared the planting site by digging holes and placing the saplings right beside them. Personnel from the Health Services Unit made themselves available for this occasion.