
Exmundo family donates valuable items to UPV Cinematheque

Exmundo family donates valuable items to UPV Cinematheque

Over 1.5 million PhP worth of equipment, furniture and interior furnishings, films, and videos were formally turned over to the UPV Cinematheque as donations of Mr. Oliver Exmundo, son of UP alumni Solomon Exmundo and Nilda Lopez-Exmundo.

The Exmundo family has been instrumental in the establishment of the UPV Cinematheque by providing all the equipment and furnishings in it since 2009. 

The Deed of Donation was signed on January 5, 2023, by UPV Chancellor Clement C. Camposano and Mr. Oliver Exmundo at the OICA Conference Room. 

Present during the event were the parents of the donor and Prof. Martin Genodepa, OICA Director, who oversees the operations of the UPV Cinematheque.

Oliver Exmundo is a filmmaker-animator who was involved in the making of the “Lord of the Rings” series, “King Kong,” “Maleficent,” and “Avatar,” among other major international films. 

In 2019, the UPV Cinematheque was established with books on films loaned from the collection of Oliver, filling the two large glass cabinets that he gave. In 2013, the UPV Cinematheque Film Museum was also positioned in the lobby of the building using artifacts that Oliver also loaned to the facility.

In the coming years, an expanded library is being planned, where students can watch films in kiosks set up inside it. 

At present, the family holds screenings of old films with the aim of developing a love for cinema among local audiences.

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