A Bachelor of Arts major in Literature-History leads the graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences at the end of Academic Year 2019-2020.
Darlene Kaye Araneta graduated as magna cum laude for having earned a GWA of 1.437.
Like most graduates that were caught in the midst of the still raging pandemic, she shared her thoughts on this.
"Graduating in the midst of this pandemic feels inordinately surreal - it's like going through some sort of a 'defamiliarization.’ There is joy with the knowledge that you now have your degree, but there is also grief for the collective vulnerabilities, the cancelled plans, the uncertainties. With the usual reality and timelines disintegrated, it can feel really difficult to establish some sense of security.
I hope that we can all get through this pandemic, and that we continue to demand more and hold everyone accountable - with some more than others."