The University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) Seaweed Laboratory of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences of the is pleased to announce that Kyle Anthony Salinas, a BS Fisheries student, is the recipient of the first Olmix Best Seaweed Thesis Award.
Salinas’ study titled “Potential Preventive Effect of Different Net Colors on the Occurrence of Ice-ice Disease in Semi-outdoor Cultivation of Tissue Cultured Seaweeds” bested eight other entries qualified for the final round of the competition on the basis of merit during the Undergraduate Research Symposium.
The study, conducted under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Victor Marco Emmanuel N. Ferriols, investigates whether net colors could influence the growth and the occurrence of ice-ice disease on seaweeds, specifically Eucheuma denticulatum, one of the commonly cultivated carrageenophytes in the Philippines.
Results of the study revealed that “the importance of appropriate net color selection for optimal seaweed cage culture, specifically in potentially improving the yield of seaweed production and possibly providing protection against abiotic factors that may lead to ice-ice disease.”
Moreover, it also provides additional data on the impact of climate change on temperature and salinity, two parameters that could influence the outdoor culture of said seaweed species.
Nine paper finalists, one BS Chemistry and eight BS Fisheries, were presented through oral presentation on May 29, 2024 at the FC conference room, CFOS, UPV Miagao campus. Prof. Encarnacion Emilia S. Yap, UPV Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension and chair of UPV-CFOS Seaweed Research and Innovation Group; Dr. Jose Nicandro C. Atienza, ASEAN manager of Olmix Group; and Ferriols, director of the Institute of Aquaculture, UPV-CFOS, graced the activity.
The oral presentation of student theses were adjudged based on the following criteria: scholarly content/scientific soundness; organization and visual aids; delivery, grammar, and mechanics; question and answer session; and overall impression and significance of research to current needs of the industry.
Kathleen Joy Periquin and Karen Joy Magbanua, both BS Fisheries students, placed second and third, respectively.
Periquin’s paper is titled “Quality Determination of Carrageenan-Based Bioplastic films from Kappaphycus alvarezii” with Prof. Encarnacion Emilia S. Yap as thesis adviser.
Meanwhile, Magbanua’s thesis is titled “Adaptive Morphological Responses and Growth of Rope-Fixed Eucheuma denticulatum (Rhodophyta) to Different Aeration Flow Rates,” that is also supervised by Ferriols.
Salinas will receive a medal and a cash prize of P40,000.00. The award will be presented at this year’s University recognition program, Papuri.
The competition was open to all undergraduate students of UP Visayas who are enrolled in the thesis courses for AY 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 and whose research topic deals with seaweeds.
The Olmix Best Seaweed Thesis award aims to encourage UPV students to conduct seaweed-related research in areas such as basic science, seaweed cultivation, and utilization.
Submitted entries underwent initial screening by a panel of technical evaluators. The evaluators looked into the purpose of the study, design and methods, results and conclusions, implications and significance, and overall quality.
The panel of evaluators and judges were composed of Dr. Jihan Santanina Alumbro of the School of Technology, UPV; Dr. Diana Panaguiton-Paguntalan of the Division of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, UPV; and Dr. Mary Mar Noblezada-Payne of Iloilo State University of Fisheries and Science and Technology (ISUFST).
Asst. Prof. Dr. Iris Ann G. Borlongan, co-chair of UPV-CFOS Seaweed Research and Innovation Group, facilitated and took charge of the entire competition process.
Olmix Philippines, a multinational corporation that specializes in bio-solutions, algae-based alternatives, and natural additives for plant and animal health, collaborated with UPV to motivate students to undertake research related to seaweeds, algae-based alternatives, and natural additives for plant and animal health as well as to recognize their outstanding performance. (With sources from Asst. Prof. Dr. Iris Ann G. Borlongan)