Employment Opportunities

Faculty - Mathematics & Statistics (Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics)

The Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College invites applications for the following positions for the First Semester of Academic Year 2022-2023:

One (1) Full-time Substitute Faculty Member in Mathematics
One (1) Full-time Temporary Faculty Member in Statistics

Faculty - Computer Science (Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics)

The Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College invites applications for the following positions for the First Semester of Academic Year 2022-2023:

Two (2) Full-time Substitute Faculty Members in Computer Science
One (1) Full-time Temporary Faculty Member in Computer Science

Faculty - Biology (Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics)

The Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College invites applications for the following positions for the First Semester of Academic Year 2022-2023:

Three (3) Full-time Temporary Faculty Members in Biology

Guidance Services Specialist II

Position Title: Guidance Services Specialist II

Plantilla Item No.: UPSB-GSS2-45-1998

Salary/Job/Pay Grade: SG-18

Monthly Salary: 45,203.00

Dormitory Manager IV - OSA

Position Title: Dormitory Manager IV

Plantilla Item No.: UPSB-DORMG4-20-1998

Salary/Job/Pay Grade: SG-18

Monthly Salary: 45,203.00

Administrative Aide IV (Driver II) - IMFO

Position Title: Administrative Aide IV (Driver II)

Plantilla Item No.: UPSB-ADA4-3050-2004

Salary/Job/Pay Grade: SG-4

Monthly Salary: 14,993.00


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