The nomination for the next Chancellor of UP Visayas is now open!
Here are the dates to remember:
28 July 2023: Deadline for submission of nominations
31 July 2023: Deadline for submission of nominee vision paper
07 August 2023: Public Presentation of Nominees’ Vision / Mission (Registration Link:
14 August 2023: Public Consultation, Iloilo City Campus (Faculty, Staff, REPS)
15 August 2023: Public Consultation, Miagao Campus (Faculty, Staff, REPS)
17 August 2023: Public Consultation, New Admin Conference Room, Miagao Campus (by appointment, face-to-face and via Zoom) (Registration Link:
22 August 2023: Public Consultation, Miagao Campus (students and community)
23 August 2023: Public Consultation, Iloilo City Campus (students and community)
28 August 2023: Interview of the Nominees by the Search Committee (Iloilo City Campus)
The nomination letter specifying the reasons or justifications for the nomination and bearing the printed name(s) and wet or electronic signature(s) of the nominator(s), may be accessed through this link: